Home > Products > In Mould Labeling > IML Spider
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The IML Spider is a versatile electrode for direct charging for IML applications. It consists of a IML Spiderblock with built-in resistors to prevent accidental sparking. The IML Spider Block has 8 output ports, with resistors per port, for connection of up to 8 flexible charging electrodes. An additional output port is provided for daisy chaining complementary IML Spider Blocks. All connection ports are equipped with quick connect plugs.
Electrodes are available in lengths of 300 and 500 mm and a special 500 mm long one that can be tailored during installation by use of a special tool.
Interconnection cables are available in lengths of 0,5 , 1 , 2 and 3 metres.
Connection cable for use with the CM type generator are standard 2 , 5 and 10 metres long.
The IML Spider can be used for IML applications in conjunction with IML generators with a maximum output of 20 kV.
Special connection heads for the CM Micro Easy make it possible to use the IML Spider with the CM Micro Easy or use the CM Micro Easy directly as an IML Spider with maximum 4 Spider Electrodes.
Full control of static electricity in your production process thanks to the IQ Easy Platform
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