Home > Products > IQ Easy Platform > Sensor IQ Easy
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A sensor that measures the electrostatic charge of a web can be added to the IQ Easy platform. The Sensor IQ Easy is a bar type device that can hold op to 16 sensor heads. Each sensor head can be placed on a strategical position across the web to monitor the electrostatic charge. All data of each sensor head is communicated to the Manager IQ Easy and stored for process monitoring. Anti-static bars or charging generators in the system can act on data received from the sensor. This makes it possible to control the static charge level on the web in real time using a closed loop feed back and correction routine. Data received from the Sensor heads can also be used for quality control and process monitoring. It can be retrieved from the Manager IQ Easy through the standard Ethernet port. For dirty environments or for precautionary protection of the sensor heads, the Sensor IQ Easy bar is equipped with a compressed air connection. Using a very low pressure and air volume, dirt entering the orifice of the sensors is prevented.
Full control of static electricity in your production process thanks to the IQ Easy Platform
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The product range covers the full spectrum of anti-static bars, an ionisation bar for in explosion hazardous environments (ATEX zone) and static charging equipment including special products for IML. The products that belong to the IQ family all have 24V DC supply voltage.