High-voltage generators, charging electrodes and charging bars

High voltage electrostatic generators, like the CM5 charging generator, create a controlled static charge up to 60kV on a non-conductive material that will allow a temporary adhesion between 2 surfaces/materials with charges of opposite polarity. A high DC voltage (up to 60kV) can be created safely and is carried to the emitters of the generator bar or electrode to generate a “corona”. A strong, ion-saturated electrical field around the single polarity high voltage points forces the material to a reference earth, clinging the different surfaces together.

How does electrostatic charging work, and what does a generator look like?

A static charging system consist of a high voltage generator and an electrode. The high voltage generator supplies the high voltage needed to create a static charge. This can vary from 30 to 60 kV. The charging electrode comes in different shapes to enable an optimum result for each specific application. More on the physics side of electrostatic charging can be found here.

Simco-ION Europe has been developing and manufacturing ionisation equipment for more than 60 years

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Different type of generators

Choosing the right generator is mostly based on the space that you have available and the voltage (power) that is needed to get the job done. We offer:


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